Posted on 4/27/2022
Have you ever wondered if your driving habits are causing a negative impact on your Audi’s performance? Like many other parts of our day, driving is like second nature and doesn't require much thought. The habits you have formed when learning to drive, stick with you throughout your adult life and are hard to re-learn. Your car may be suffering from these very common and damaging driving habits. Revving the Engine When your Audi has been sitting idle for a few hours, the oil from the engine compartment has mostly returned to the oil pan at the bottom of the crankcase. Moving parts need this oil for lubrication for smooth operation. If you rush the process by revving the engine prematurely from a cold start, the oil won't have had the chance to coat internal parts and can cause damage. Ignoring the Warning Lights This seems like an obvious habit that would cause vehicle damage but you would be surprised at how long people will drive with a warning light on. It comes do ... read more