For many years, scientists have wondered why so many individuals are drawn to the smell of a new car. To their curiosity, they found out exactly what was in the scent (and spoiler alert: it's not good for you). The smell is emitted from the combination of materials used to produce a vehicle's interior. Polyurethane and polyester are a few of the most popular substances used in making your car's interior because of how well they can withstand extreme temperatures. Unfortunately, these chemicals release harmful organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. VOCs are petroleum-based solvents in materials like plastic and vinyl, and unfortunately, they are the source of the synthetic smell that some people enjoy. Why Is The New Car Smell Dangerous? While the VOCs and their fragrances disappear over time, they are considered unsafe. You may have heard about VOCs already, and you can find some of them in everyday household items (cleaning supplies, shampoo, perfume ... read more